Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees
November 14th, 2023
The November 14th, 2023 meeting of the Seneca East Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:35 P.M. Trustees in attendance were: Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Tina Shook, Jeff Beaston and Vicki Eckenrod. Library staff attending included Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson and Library Director Shannon Featheringill.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the October 11th, 2023 meeting were reviewed and approved with a motion by Vicki Eckenrod, a 2nd by Jeff Beaston, and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”. Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the October 2023 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the October 2023 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer.
Resolution #594 - To supplement appropriations according to the directions of Director Shannon Featheringill, for the unencumbered donations received from the period of 10/3/2023-11/3/2023. The total amount of donations to be appropriated is $1507.27. Itemization is as follows: Publicity $282.96, Adult Books $495.00, Children’s Books $348.00, and Adult AV $223.50 and Supplies $157.81. A motion to approve Resolution #594 was made by Jeff Beaston with a 2nd by Vicki Eckenrod, and the motion passed with approval by all remaining board members voting “aye”.
Amended Certificate has been requested to increase the Revenue Budget $5,000 due to receiving donations that have exceeded the budget. The Resolution Accepting the Amounts & Rates of the Tax Levy is in the hands of the Seneca Co. Auditor at this time. No confirmation has been received yet.
CHART OF ACCOUNT CHANGE UPDATES Currently in the very detailed process of converting the Employee Payroll Accounts and any Associated Payroll Account to the new Accounting System. This must be up and running smoothly BEFORE the next payroll which is due 11/17.
Resolution #595 - To review and approve 2024 Temporary Appropriations. A motion to approve Resolution #595 was made by Kim Ohl with a 2nd by Jeff Beaston and the motion passed with approval by all remaining board members voting “aye”.
Director’s Report: Director Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for October of 3717 with 25 days open.
Old Business: We will participate in Attica’s Hometown Christmas event on November 18th, with Christmas-themed offerings
New Business: COSI Learning Lunchboxes: We will be receiving 100 again this year free of charge. They are being distributed through SEO instead of OLC. Director Feathergingill will pick them up next Wednesday at the Mansfield Library.
Legislative: The OPERS board recently voted to seek legislation to increase the employer contribution rate from 14% to 18%, including a 1% increase every decade if actuaries determine that it’s necessary. The current statutory maximum of 14% was set in 1976 and that was brought to maximum in 2008. At this time, no legislation has been formally introduced. OLC is in communication with OPERS and will keep us updated.
The November PLF distribution is $42,022,696 (2.33% below July estimate and 4.44% above December estimate). The PLF for CY23 year-to-date total is $466,035,486. The OBM reports October receipts came in $162.6 million (7.2%) above expectations. 25 out 26 library levies on the ballot passed.
Grants/Money Requests: The Foundation gave us a check for the cost of the repairs in the men’s restroom as well as for some new shaky eggs for Chris to use at the school totaling $721.46.
Building Update: We are still awaiting a quote from Jason Branham on the lower roof. Director Featheringill reached out again and left a message. Regarding the Back Room Project, Jeff Beamer from J&F Construction reached out on October 20th, and said a snag on their current project would delay ours by about 2 weeks. Construction is expected to begin Monday, November 20th. The Lobby Heater or at least the cover on it needs to be replaced. Contact will be made with Herbert Electric for repair or replacement. Habitec came in for their scheduled inspection and noted the horn strobe needed to be replaced. They came Wednesday and replaced it. Kim Ohl spoke with Mr. Rogers regarding the adjoining building. Director Featheringill contacted the Village Council and Mayor Frisch is looking through ordinances.
Staff: Director Featheringill will be on vacation November 9th – 17th, NORWELD Board Meeting December 6th and off on Fridays until end of year to use up rest of vacation and comp time. The newest hire Constance is doing great and on a regular schedule. Discussed pay raises for 2024. Kim Thompson has requested to be moved to a substitute clerk position remaining in the Saturday rotation and as needed.
Historical Society: No new items.
Foundation News: The foundation will participate in Attica’s Hometown Christmas with a book and bread sale. Expiring terms for Foundation members include Judy Daniels, Niki Schiefer, Gina Smith, and Keri Newell. Smith and Newell will accept another term. The Foundation reported total money including investments of $61,707.41. The next Foundation meeting will be Monday, January 8th, 2024.
Children’s Room Report:
Programming: In October, there were 3 teen volunteers and 7 who participated in the Haunted Gingerbread House event. This month the volunteers will help build the gingerbread houses for the upcoming gingerbread events and will make Christmas tree ornaments after. There were 48 who attended October’s Storytime and 12 for Music and Movement. October’s Brick Builders had 9 attendees. Our November Mini Makers program had 13 in attendance. We will take a break from Mini Makers in December for the gingerbread family nights. There is a disguise a turkey hunt set up in the children’s room for the month of November.
School Outreach: A visit to the school library for a squishy circuit monster program for the 5th graders was held in October. We will visit again the last week of November for a Lego Challenge.
Events: Our Halloween party was well attended and everyone had a great time. This year’s Republic Halloween event also went well. We will be participating in their upcoming Christmas event also. Dinosaur Dimensions will be performing for us on November 15th. The annual gingerbread family nights are scheduled for Thursday, November 30th and Thursday, December 7th. We have been invited to participate in the United Way’s Storybook Festival committee. The event is tentatively scheduled for early March.
Chris attended Norweld’s Youth Services Roundtable on November 2nd.
Adult Services Report:
Past Events: On October 12th, the Book Club met and discussed The Cousins by Karen McManus. There were 6 patrons in attendance. On October 23rd, Adult Services held a craft night with Mattie Miller. There were 24 in attendance. On October 30th, Adult Services hosted the Ghost Sisters. There were 15 in attendance.
Current Events: Both front and back adult book displays were replaced today. The process of planning activities and book club for 2024 is underway.
Upcoming Events: On November 13th, Adult Services will hold a craft night and make Thankful Signs. On November 27th, Adult Services will host BINGO.
Board Old Business: We are still seeking board members, one to complete Ruth Pifher’s term and one for Kim Ohl’s term, which ends December 31st, 2023.
Board New Business: No new items.
The next meeting of the Seneca East Library Board will be December 13th at 7:30 PM.
There being no further business to conduct, Tina Shook made a motion to adjourn at 8:28 P.M.
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Janet Ruffing, President Tina Shook, Secretary