April 2023 Board Minutes

Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees

April 19th, 2023

The April 19th, 2023 meeting of the Seneca East Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:33 P.M. Trustees in attendance were: Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Tina Shook, Ruth Pifher, Vicki Eckenrod, and Jeff Beaston. Library staff attending included Fiscal Officer Pamela Dunson and Library Director Shannon Featheringill.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the March 8th, 2023 meeting were reviewed and approved with a motion by Vicki Eckenrod, a 2nd by Kim Ohl, and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.

Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the March 2023 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the March 2023 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Resolution #587 – To increase appropriations according to the directions of Director Shannon Featheringill, for the unencumbered donations received from the period of 3/4/2023-4/10/2023. The total amount of donations to be appropriated is $862.14. Itemization is as follows: Publicity $50.00, Adult Books $476.32, Children’s Books $12.00, Adult AV $20.00 and Supplies $303.82. A motion to approve Resolution #587 was made by Jeff Beaston with a 2nd by Ruth Pifher, and the motion passed with approval by all remaining board members voting “aye”.

Capital Improvement Fund-The $100,000 from the Hollinger Estate has been officially transferred and ready for spending. The money has not been encumbered yet, but can easily be done when we are ready to spend the money. The balance is $107,360.86. The 2024 Tax Budget is in process. This will not reflect the new account numbers. However, the total estimated amounts will still be reflected as a General Fund, not the individual Accounts. The total dollar amount is more important as this reflects what we anticipate to spend overall. The final distribution of the Mary Jane Brakeall Estate of $4811.35 has been received. We have now received a total of $28,061.35. The Waiver of Notice of Hearing on Account will close the estate once everyone listed has signed. Chart of Account Change Updates-Director Featheringill and Fiscal Officer Dunson attended a conference which provided continued training on how to set these accounts up. Once the 2024 Tax Budget is completed then work will begin on the new account structure.

Director’s Report: Director Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for March 2023 of 3109 with 27 days open.

Old Business: The final distribution amount of $4,811.35 from the Brakeall Estate was received on April 3rd. Tables will be picked up from Sam’s Club on April 20. Chair cleaning quotes were discussed. Michelle Zeiter will be added to OLC. A new board contact list was provided.

New Business: Two new public computers have been purchased and installed by Buckeye IT. All the public terminals are now up to date. They also came and recycled some old computer equipment and printers. A motion to approve the Seneca County PLF Formula was made by Kim Ohl, a 2nd was made by Vicki Eckenrod and the motion passed with all remaining board members voting “aye”. Seneca County PLF Formula figures will be submitted to Tiffin. Summer Reading planning is almost finished. We have a few guests that we are waiting to confirm dates. We were approved to participate in a camera trap program in partnership with Ohio Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. We will receive professional research cameras, free of charge, from April to October to capture images of reptiles, amphibians and small mammals to better understand our local biodiversity. We will be building the camera traps in a field at one of Phil Bischoff’s farms outside of town. We have planned a Summer Reading tie-in program and will be having a Frog and Toad (Arnold Lobel) Tea Party including costumed characters from Costume Specialists and posting findings on social media.

Legislative: The ODT posted the April PLF distribution of $32,972,362-which is 1.61% below the July estimate but 0.82% over the December estimate. OBM reports March tax receipts are up 1.6% above estimates and $800 million above estimates so far this year. A substitute version of the state budget HB 33 was released. None of the local property tax changes proposed in HB 1 are included, and it still recommends funding the PLF at 1.70% in permanent law. It does, however, propose exemption income under $26,050 from state income tax, combining the bottom two brackets, and cutting the tax rate to 2.75% from 3.226% which will have an impact on the General Revenue Fund and the PLF. The bill is 5,364 pages long and OLC continues to provide updates as available. There are no updates on HB 1.

Grant/Money Request: The magazine drive is almost finished-just waiting on a few more checks. Be will be starting calls for Summer Reading donations soon. Chris was awarded her LSTA Summer Library Program Grant of $731.00 and the funds have already been received. She is using the grant to bring performers to both our kick-off and closing events. A written request to the National Machinery foundation for a donation to cover the Frog and Toad Tea Party and supplies needed to build the camera traps and sent a letter to the Attica Lions asking them to sponsor our professional journals and large print circuit from NORWELD.

Building Update: Messages regarding the roof were left with Dave Stallings on March 9 and April 3. Jeff Beamer brought in two new quotes for phase 1 and phase 2 of the basement renovation project. There are estimates for caulking 10 existing windows as well. A motion to approve Phase 1 Interior Renovations to include the window caulking was made by Kim Ohl, a 2nd by Ruth Pifher and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”. S.A. Communale completed the required sprinkler maintenance on March 15th. The technician found a deficiency that needs to be addressed. Replacement of the 4” OSY gate valve will cost $5,347.80. Perry’s Plantation will be in for the spring clean up of the landscaping as quoted from last fall.

Staff: Shannon has meetings at OLC April 21 and will be participating in Library Legislative Day with OLC at the Ohio Statehouse on April 26. Kelly Lamoreaux is back from Florida and back in the sub/Saturday rotation.

Historical Society: The Historical Society is hosting community garage sales May 18, 19, and 20. Registration forms are available at the library and on our website. Once compiled, maps will also be available here. They have several people interested in becoming members but no meetings yet.

Foundation Business: The Foundation added a June meeting. There will be a Book Sale during Community Garage Sales. Reverse Raffle details are being worked on. The event will take place at Our Lady of Hope. The Foundation has expressed that they have funds available if we need help with a project.

Children’s Room Report:

Programming: The spring sessions of Storytime and Music and Movement have started. They will run until May 19th and then will be on a break until summer reading begins. There were 5 teens in attendance at April’s teen board meeting. They began working on the children’s room bulletin board for summer. We had 6 teens who joined us for the paint pour activity following the meeting. March’s Brick Builders Club had 18 attendees. For April’s Mini Makers program we created peep dioramas. There is one session left before we break for summer. The Easter Party went great! Attendance was good and we had plenty of volunteers to help the event run smoothly. There were 27 children who completed the Find the Peeps scavenger hunt. For National Library Week we will have a “Choose Your Own Adventure” style activity.

School / Outreach: We are visiting the 5th graders in the SE school library on April 24th, 26th and 28th to share an Earth themed Lego challenge and information about the upcoming summer reading program.

Summer Reading Program: Preparation for this year’s program is moving along. We have scheduled Back to the Wild wildlife rescue, the Seneca County Parks District and the Seneca County Extension Office for visits during school age programs. Sheriff Stevens will be visiting for a storytime session.

Adult Services Report:

Past Events: On March 9th, the Book Club met and discussed One Two Three by Laurie Frankel. There were 5 patrons in attendance. Adult Services hosted a Canvas Painting night with 18 patrons in attendance on March 30th. Adult Services hosted a craft night making Macrame Keychains on April 3. We had 10 patrons in attendance. On April 6th the book club patrons were invited to go to Findlay to meet the author Colleen Oakley. On April 13th, the Book Club met and discussed The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley and Maid by Stephanie Land. Due to the Community Read most members opted to read 2 books this month. On April 17th, Adult Services hosted a puzzle contest. There were 14 patrons in attendance. The winners received a homemade trophy filled with candy.

Current Events: There are 2 displays up this month: Reading with my Peeps and First in a Series. Ariel is working on Summer Reading program activities and starting to think about prizes.

Upcoming Events: On May 3rd there will be a No-Sew Tote bag class. Trivia Night will be held May 17th. A Peace Wreath craft will be created on June 5th.

The planning of passive activities for National Library Week is underway. Adult Services activities are planned out to June 5th.

Board Old Business: There were no old business items.

Board New Business: A sales plan for the old tables in the basement was discussed. The tables will be on sale during the community garage sales.

The next meeting of the Seneca East Library Board will be May 10th, 2023 at 7:30 PM.

There being no further business to conduct, Tina Shook made a motion to adjourn at 8:46 PM.

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Janet Ruffing, President                                                                                                                    Tina Shook, Secretary