Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees
March 8th, 2023
The March 8th, 2023 meeting of the Seneca East Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:27 P.M. Trustees in attendance were: Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Tina Shook, Ruth Pifher, Vicki Eckenrod, and Jeff Beaston. Library staff in attendance was Library Director Shannon Featheringill. Board candidate Michelle Zeiter was also in attendance. Jeff Beamer from J&F Construction was in attendance and fielded questions regarding the bid proposal for the basement area interior renovations.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the February 8th, 2023 meeting were reviewed and approved as amended with a motion by Jeff Beaston, a 2nd by Kim Ohl, and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.
Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the February 2023 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the February 2023 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer. Permanent Appropriations for 2023 are set up and properly encumbered to be ready for payments.
ANNUAL REPORT – Currently being completed by Director Shannon Featheringill and Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson.
PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND – Premium has been paid, signed and notarized. It is now on file for the year 2023.
CHART OF ACCOUNT CHANGE UPDATES – Director Shannon Featheringill and Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson will be watching a UAN Webinar to begin training on how to set up the new account structure.
Resolution #586 – To increase appropriations according to the directions of Director Shannon Featheringill, for the unencumbered donations received from the period of 1/31/23-3/3/23. The total amount of donations to be appropriated is $426.80. Itemization is as follows: Adult Books $159.38, Children’s Books $95.00 and Supplies $172.42. A motion to approve Resolution #586 was made by Ruth Pifher with a 2nd by Jeff Beaston, and the motion passed with approval by all remaining board members voting “aye”.
Director’s Report: Director Shannon Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for February of 2630 with 23 days open.
Old Business: There are no updates on the Brakeall estate. Michelle Zeiter returned her board application and will attend the March meeting. New quotes for folding chairs and carts were reviewed. New Business: The Ohio Public Library Statistics Annual Report is completed and submitted. Spring Programming is scheduled through the beginning of June. OLC (Institutional & Full-Time Staff) & NORWELD Memberships have been renewed for 2023.
Legislative: The ODT posted the February PLF distribution of $47,622,215 — which is 0.35% below the July 2022 estimate but 4.92% more than the December 2022 estimate. The OBM states the overall state tax receipts for January were $140 million (+ 5.4%) above estimates. So far, State Fiscal Year 2023 tax collections are up $649.9 million (+ 4%) above estimates. House Bill 33 – The Ohio House formally introduced the state budget bill for FY 2024-25 on February 15. It will go through House and Senate hearings from now until June and should be approved by July 1. House Bill 1 – proposes substantial changes to the state income and local property tax that will have a profound impact on local governments’ revenues by changing to a flat-rate (2.75%) state income tax (from the current graduated rate structure) as well as eliminating rollbacks, reducing assessment percentages, etc. resulting in a $2 billion reduction. OLC has provided more information on the impact of HB 1 including “Fiscal Note and Local Impact Statement” from the Legislative Services Commission and an article from economist and OLC consultant Dr. Howard Fleeter.
Building Update: There are no roof updates. Jeff Beamer from J&F Construction delivered a quote and a break-down of costs. Jeff also included a quote for re-caulking the windows. S.A. Comunale completed our annual sprinkler inspection and sent a quote for an inspection/maintenance that is required every five years to comply with fire codes.
Staff: OLC Fiscal Officer Conference: April 11 & 12 in Lewis Center. Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson and Director Shannon Featheringill would both like to attend as they will be going into detail about the new chart of accounts reporting requirements. April’s Board Meeting will be moved to April 19th. OLC Trustee Dinners: OLC is hosting dinner meetings for trustees and administrators. Registration is $45. If you would like to attend, contact Director Featheringill to sign you up: March 30 in Cambridge; April 6 in Perrysburg; April 20 in Wilmington; May 4 in Independence. Chris is signed up for the OLC Youth Service Conference on March 30. Director Featheringill has meetings at NORWELD March 10 & April 19 and at OLC April 21 and will be participating in Library Legislative Day with OLC at the Ohio Statehouse on April 26.
Children’s Room Report:
Programming: In February, Storytime averaged 12 in attendance and Music and Movement averaged 10. Winter session ends March 10th. Spring session will begin March 28th. Six teens attended February’s teen board meeting. Following the meeting we made hot chocolate bombs. Eight teens attended that activity. They planned a teen movie night for Friday, Feb. 24th. Four attended and they chose to watch Captain America: Winter Soldier. February’s Brick Builders Club had 17 attendees. On March 2nd, we made pinwheel sandwiches for Mini Makers. There were 13 who attended. We had 19 children complete our Love Your Library scavenger hunt in February. This month’s passive programming includes shamrock decorating and spring themed take and make crafts.
Adult Services Report:
Past Events: On February 9th, the Book Club met and discussed Educated by Tara Stover. There were 4 patrons in attendance. Adult Services hosted a Trivia Night on February 27th and 7 patrons were in attendance. Jon Mackowiak won a $25 gift certificate to Smitty’s Pizza. A Pickling Class was held on March 6th. There were 12 people in attendance. Each person was able to make their own jar of homemade quick pickles to take home. Supplies and instructions were provided to the Garden Club so a presentation could be given. A recipe is available at the front desk.
Current Events: This month’s displays include: Women’s History Month; showing notable women in history and a “green” display in the back.
Upcoming Events: The Book Club will meet on March 9th to discuss One Two Three by Laurie Frankel. On March 20th, Adult Services will be doing a Canvas Painting. This will be limited to 15 patrons and will require registration. This class has been filled. We are in the process of planning passive activities for National Library Week. Adult Services activities are planned out till May 30th.
Foundation News: The next Foundation meeting will be held Monday, April 10th at 7 PM.
Board Old Business: A new board member is needed to fill the vacancy left by the completion of Heather Stockmaster’s term as of 12/31/2022. A motion to make a recommendation to the Seneca East Board of Education to appoint Michelle Zeiter to the Seneca East Public Library Board for a 7 year term was made by Vicki Eckenrod, a 2nd by Kim Ohl and all members voted in favor. Dean Williams sent a brief update on the
Historical Society. He plans to gather interested individuals and plan community garage sales.
Board New Business: No new business items.
The next meeting of the Seneca East Library Board will be April 19th, 2023 at 7:30 PM. There being no further business to conduct, Ruth Pifher made a motion to adjourn at 8:51 PM.
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Janet Ruffing, President Tina Shook, Secretary