Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees
March 9th, 2022
The March 9th, 2022 meeting of the Seneca East Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:29pm. Trustees in attendance were: Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Heather Stockmaster, Tina Shook, Ruth Pifher, and Jeff Beaston. Library staff attending included Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson and Library Director Shannon Featheringill.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the February 9th, 2022 meeting were reviewed and approved with a motion by Jeff Beaston, a 2nd by Ruth Pifher, and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.
Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the February 2022 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the February 2022 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer.
Resolution #569 - To increase appropriations according to the directions of Director Shannon Featheringill, for the unencumbered donations received from the period of 2/1/22 through 3/4/22. The total amount of donations to be appropriated is $1713.12. Itemization for appropriated funds are as follows: Adult Books $943.40, Children’s Books $432.85, Adult AV $70.00 and Supplies $266.87. A motion to approve Resolution #569 was made by Kim Ohl with a 2nd by Heather Stockmaster, the motion passed with approval by all remaining board members voting “aye”. The Permanent Appropriations are finalized and are being certified by the County Auditor. This is the final procedure required in the year end process.
Director’s Report: Director Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for February of 2543 with 21 days open.
Old Business: Some progress has been made on the Seneca County PLF Distribution Formula. Additional meetings with county directors have yet to be set.
New Business: The Annual State Report opened February 15 and has been finished and submitted. Amazon Corporate Credit Line is being discontinued as of April 30. No changes will be made to the credit limit on Sutton VISA at this time. Sutton Scorecard Rewards Point Balance is 7907. Attica Junior Fair requested a $20 donation for Modeling Intermediate Division. Courier service will be transitioning back to Priority Dispatch. ILL requests have been paused until the end of April to give STAT time to catch up.
Legislative: House Bill 51 passed allowing public bodies to meet virtually until July 1.
Policy: Policy Committee met February 1st. There are no updates to the disaster plan at this time.
Building: Bob Herbert from Herbert Electric Inc. met with Kim Ohl and Jeff Beaston to discuss the installation of heat tape on the roof. A quote was presented and discussed at the meeting. Parking lot signs are ready to install. There are no updates on landscaping at this time.
Staff: Director Featheringill will be taking vacation May 27-June 5. Accepted a letter of resignation for Karla Raymond, Adult Services Librarian.
Foundation Business: The next Foundation meeting is April 11th, 2022 at 7pm.
Old Board Business: A motion to approve the Policy Committee recommendations was made by Ruth Pifher with a 2nd by Heather Stockmaster, and the motion passed with approval by all remaining members voting “aye”. A motion to approve heat tape installation proposal from Hebert Electric Inc. was made by Kim Ohl with a 2nd by Jeff Beaston and the motion passed with approval by all remaining members voting “aye”.
New Board Business: There are no new board business items.
The next meeting of the Seneca East Public Library Board will be April 13th, 2022 at 7:30pm.
There being no further business to conduct, Tina Shook made a motion to adjourn at 8:08pm.
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Janet Ruffing, President Tina Shook, Secretary