February 2022 Board Minutes

Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees

February 9th, 2022

The February 9th, 2022 meeting of the Seneca East Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:33 PM. Trustees in attendance were Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Heather Stockmaster, Ruth Pifher, Jeff Beaston, Vicki Eckenrod and Tina Shook. Library staff attending included Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson and Library Director Shannon Featheringill.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the January 12th, 2022 meeting were reviewed and approved as amended with a motion by Kim Ohl, a 2nd by Heather Stockmaster and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.

Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the January 2022 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the January 2022 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Resolution #567: To approve Permanent Appropriations pending reconciliation with the Auditor’s Certificate of Estimated Resources when received. A motion to approve Resolution #567 was made by Ruth Pifher, a 2nd by Kim Ohl and approval of remaining board members by voting “aye”.

Resolution #568: To supplement appropriations according to the directions of Director Shannon Featheringill which totals are as follows: $6340.80 donations received 11/5/21 through 12/31/21, $4541.25 donations received 1/1/22 through 1/31/22, and $3492.00 unspent donations that were appropriated in 2021 totalling $14,374.05 to be appropriated. Itemization for appropriated funds are as follows: Publicity $3971.00, Adult Books $1440.00, Children’s Books $951.00, LoT $100.00, Supplies $855.70, Furniture and Equipment $1650.00 and Utilities $5000.00. A motion to approve Resolution #568 was made by Vicki Eckenrod, a 2nd by Tina Shook and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.

The library qualified for an Agreed Upon Procedures audit for 2020 and 2021. Other compliance items completed include: Bureau of Worker’s Compensation True-up Payroll Report, 2021 300AP form required by BWC and posted in the employee’s work area, 2021

Public Employers Annual Information Report, and Non-Contributing List of Independent Contractors on OPERS website.

Director’s Report: Director Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for January of 2837 with 24 days open.

Old Business: Seneca County PLF Distribution Formula has no update. Erica from NORWELD came on January 19 for staff training on the new version of Drupal. Director Featheringill received more in-depth training. Notary service will begin once policy is approved.

New Business: No new business items.

Legislative: Open meeting flexibility has passed as an amendment to House Bill 51. This has passed by in the Ohio Senate and House. It will go into effect once signed by the governor and will expire July 1st, 2022.

Policy: Policy committee met February 1st, 2022. A discussion of updates to current policies was had. A motion to approve the notary policy was made by Kim Ohl, a 2nd by Jeff Beaston and approval made with all remaining members voting “aye”. The Disaster Plan is nearly complete. Currently the DPlan website is undergoing an update and will be back up in March. Emergency procedures have been written and will need approval.

Building: Dave Stallings has returned a call and notified us that we are on the list. A small leak above the circulation desk started on February 5th. Dave came and looked at the leak and said he would do what he could to get us bumped up on the list. There is no update on landscaping.

Staff: A new Board of Trustees list was provided. Director Featheringill was appointed to the Small Libraries Division of the OLC due to a vacated seat. She will need to run for election in 2023 to maintain the position.

Children’s Librarian Report: The winter session of Storytime is going well. There were 8 average per week in January. Music & Movement also began in January and averaged 6 per session. The last two weeks have been missed due to Chris attending the summer reading workshop on January 28th and the library closure on February 4th. January’s Brick Builders’ Club had 24 in attendance. Due to the library closure on February 3rd, the Mini Makers Program was canceled. Materials are being passed out as take home kits for those registered. For March, we will be doing a color science program. The first teen night was a success. There

were 5 in attendance and 3 more have asked to join our volunteers and teen board. The life-sized Candyland was well received. Forty bags of candy were passed out to those who played. In January, 84 Take and Make kits were distributed.

Adult Services Librarian Report: No report this month.

Foundation Business: The next Foundation meeting is April 11th, 2022 at 7 PM.

Old Board Business: No old business items.

New Board Business: No new business items.

The next meeting of the Seneca East Public Library Board will be March 9th, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

There being no further business to conduct, Tina Shook made a motion to adjourn at 8:46 PM.

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Janet Ruffing, President                                                                                       Tina Shook, Secretary