January 2022 Board Minutes

Seneca East Public Library Board of Trustees

January 12th, 2022

The January 12th, 2022 Organizational Meeting of the Seneca East Board of Trustees was called to order by President Janet Ruffing at 7:30 PM. Trustees in attendance were Janet Ruffing, Kim Ohl, Heather Stockmaster, Jeff Beaston, Vicki Eckenrod and Tina Shook. Library staff in attendance included: Fiscal Officer Pamala Dunson, Director Shannon Featheringill and Adult Services Librarian Karla Raymond. Karla Raymond, swore in Tina Shook to the Board of Trustees with a term that will end December 31st, 2028.

New Officers for the Year 2022 were designated as follows: Kim Ohl made a motion to keep all Officers and Committee Assignments the same as 2021. Jeff Beaston seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting “aye”.

President: Janet Ruffing will serve as President of the Board for 2022.

Vice-President: Kim Ohl will serve as Vice President of the Board for 2022.

Secretary: Tina Shook will serve as Secretary of the Board for 2022.

Meeting Times: Times for the monthly meetings were discussed and the general consensus was to keep the meetings the same as the current date and time which is the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm.

Mileage Reimbursement Rate: A motion was raised by Kim Ohl to set the mileage reimbursement rate at $0.55 per mile for 2022. The motion was seconded by Vicki Eckenrod and passed with all members voting “aye”.

Library Closed Dates for 2022: A schedule of proposed holiday closing dates for 2022 was presented by Director Featheringill. A motion to approve the schedule was made by Tina Shook with a second by Vicki Eckenrod and passed with all members voting “aye”.

Committee Assignments for 2022:

Audit: Tina Shook

Budget/Appropriations: Kim Ohl, Vicki Eckenrod

Policy Review: Heather Stockmaster, Ruth Pifher, and Jeff Beaston

Record Retention: Full Board

President Janet Ruffing will serve on all committees.

A motion to approve a $10,000 bond for the Fiscal Officer was made by Jeff Beaston. A second was made by Kim Ohl and passed with all members voting “aye”. A motion by Heather Stockmaster was made to keep the current record retention policy in place. A second was made by Tina Shook and all passed with all remaining members voting “aye”. The current policy is detailed in the Library Policy Handbook. A motion to adjourn the organizational meeting at 7:45 PM was made by Heather Stockmaster, with a second by Jeff Beaston and approved by all remaining board members voting “aye”.

At the conclusion of the organizational meeting, the regular monthly meeting of the Seneca East

Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:46 PM.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the December 8th, 2021 meeting were reviewed and approved with a motion by Vicki Eckenrod, a 2nd by Heather Stockmaster and approval of all remaining board members by voting “aye”.

Fiscal Officer’s Report: The board reviewed the December 2021 bills as well as reviewing and initialing the December 2021 Bank Reconciliation and Management Reports as presented by the Fiscal Officer. Employee Rate Change Sheets have been signed according to the Board approval made in December. Copies have been given to the Secretary for the official records, the Director and the Fiscal Officer. The 2021 books have been closed out, taxes paid, W-2’s distributed and the Certificate of Estimated Resources has been filed with the Auditor. An Official Certificate has not been received yet. The Annual Financial Statements are completed and have been sent to the State. The Legal Notice for The Hub has been sent for publication as well as being posted on the library’s website and Facebook page. A copy of the Annual Financial Statement is available at

the library upon request. Discussed Permanent Appropriation Draft Sheet for 2022. The Budget Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 3:30 PM.

Director’s Report: Director Featheringill reported a total Patron Count for December of 2575 with 24 days open.

Old Business: Seneca County PLF Distribution Formula has no updates. Erica from NORWELD is coming January 19 to train the staff on the new version of Drupal. Karla Raymond received her notary certificate.

New Business: Independent contractor contracts for custodian and snow removal are signed for 2022.

Legislative: PLF distribution of $39,842,307 is above ODT’s July and December estimates. State revenues continue to exceed projections. State Fiscal Year 2022 tax collections are up $580.3 million above estimates.

Policy: Policy committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7PM. A substitute clerk category will be discussed at that meeting. There are no updates to the Disaster Plan.

Building: There are no updates on the roof. Messages have been left with Dave Stallings. Patrick Pifher is to install the parking lot signs. Director Featheringill will attempt reaching out to another landscape service for needed work and upgrades in the spring.

Staff: Hannah has taken a substitute teaching position and will be out until the middle of March. Kelly Lamoreaux will return in the middle of April.

Foundation Business: Investment account balance is $45,116.41. Total fund balance is $62,801.31. Foundation Board Officers are as follows: President Ariel Fry, Vice President Evelyn Phillips, Secretary Becky Allgyre, and Treasurer Steve Albright. The Foundation meeting calendar is April 11, May 9, July 11, August 8, September 19, November 14 and January 9. The Reverse Raffle is set for September 10 at the Attica Fairgrounds. An allocation of funds: $12,471.46 in checking, $3000.00 to the library and $7000.00 to be invested. The next Foundation meeting will be April 11, 2022.

Children’s Librarian Report: With the addition of a class at In His Care preschool, Chris will be visiting the library two times per week again. Storytime and Music & Movement will resume this week and winter session will continue until March 4. There were 15 in attendance for December’s Brick Builder’s Club. There were 17 children in attendance for the first Mini-Maker program on January 6th. A No Sew Heart pillow will be the February Mini-Maker project. A life size Candyland is being set up in the Children’s Room. In December, 127 Take & Make kits were passed out. Chris will be attending a summer reading workshop on January 28.

Board Old Business: No old business items.

Board New Business: No new business items.

The next meeting of the Seneca East Public Library Board will be February 9, 2022 at 7:30 PM.

There being no further business to conduct, Tina Shook made a motion to adjourn at 8:47 PM.

_____________________________                                                _____________________________

Janet Ruffing, President                                                                        Tina Shook, Secretary