Library Reopening

Submitted by Shannon Feathe… on


SEPL will reopen to the public Monday, June 8, 2020. We are pleased to announce our next stage in reopening. To help ensure the safety of the staff and our patrons, we have modified public areas and changed certain procedures to comply with state and federal guidelines for reopening.

Changes to the Library:
Temporary limited hours: The Library will be open to the general public Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The first hour of each day will be reserved for our senior and vulnerable patrons.

Children ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult while in the library.

Returned items will be quarantined for at least 72 hours. This means that they will still show on your account for 3-4 days after you return them. No late fines are being assessed at this time.

SEO inter-library loans and deliveries will not be available until at least the end of June.

Please make an appointment to use a computer. There will be a two hour limit per day. Headphones will not be available. If you need audio, please bring your own headphones.

There will be no in-building programs or meeting rooms use. All previously scheduled meetings have been canceled until further notice.

Seating is limited; leisure reading and studying is discouraged.

An acrylic barrier has been installed at the circulation desk and 6 foot indicators have been marked on the floor to assist with social distancing.

When you visit the Library:
•Respect social distancing guidelines by maintaining a 6-foot space between yourself and other patrons and staff.
•We recommend you wear a face covering.
•Maintain good hygiene practices. Use provided hand sanitizer before browsing or using library equipment.
•Please stay home if you are not feeling well or have any symptoms associated with COVID.
•Return all materials in the outdoor book drop. Do not bring returns into the building or hand returned materials back to staff.

SEPL staff is committed to:
• Performing daily symptoms assessments before reporting for work
• Wearing appropriate face coverings
• Maintaining good hygiene practices by washing hands and using hand sanitizer
• Practicing appropriate social distancing
• Cleaning/sanitizing according to established schedule for open hours.

If you prefer, Curbside Service will still be available. Call 419-426-3825 or request items online and pick up items at the front, main entrance.

Please continue to take advantage of our digital resources through Libby and Overdrive.
Our Wi-Fi stays on 24/7 and can be accessed from our parking lot with the password “books”, all lowercase.

Check for updates on the library’s website and Facebook page. Thank you for your continued patience and support. We are looking forward to serving you. Stay safe. We will get through this together.

Shannon Featheringill
